Cosmetic Dentistry Options For Former Smokers: How To Restore Your Smile

Smoking can cause damage to your teeth, such as staining and discoloration. Fortunately, there are many different cosmetic dentistry services former smokers can use to restore their smiles. If you quit smoking and want to reward yourself with a brighter, healthier smile, here are some options to consider.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a simple procedure your dentist can perform in one or several office visits. The approach and number of treatments needed may vary depending on the level of staining your teeth have experienced over the years. Typically, your dentist will use a teeth whitening gel, which is activated by an ultraviolet lamp to essentially bleach the teeth. You may see noticeable results in just one visit, but your dentist might reccommend multiple visits to achieve your desired look. You can also use teeth whitening toothpastes and strips at home, but you may find these are less effective.


In the case of severe stains and spots, your dentist may reccommend veneers for some or all of your teeth. Veneers are thin, tooth-like coverings that can restore the natural color of your teeth. You can also use this option if you have both discoloration and broken or uneven teeth to create a perfect smile. While this procedure is more invasive than teeth whitening, it is still a simple option that can be completed  Your dentist will remove some of the enamel on the affected teeth to prepare them for the veneer coating. Veneers are typically made of porcelain, though there are other options available as well. It's important to remember that veneers are more susceptible to stains. This means you'll definitely want to avoid relapses of your smoking habit.

Dental Implants

Not all dental damage caused by smoking is related to discoloration. Smoking can cause gum disease, which can lead to decay and even tooth loss. If you have damaged or missing teeth, you may be a candidate for dental implants. You'll want to discuss your complete health history, including how long you smoked for, with your cosmetic dentist. He or she can determine if you've experienced significant bone loss that might rule you out as a candidate. If your jaws are healthy enough for implants, your dentist can replace your missing or severely damaged teeth with semipermanent implants. These new teeth essentially screw into the jawline, creating a more natural look than dentures can achieve. Dental implants also offer a great alternative to bridges when just one or two teeth need to be replaced.

No matter which option is right for you, it's important to continue with your smoking cessation plan. The longer you go without smoking, the healthier your teeth and gums will be. Reach out to a cosmetic dentistry service for more information.
